One Project Show
Future Centre Europe - VW Group
A project still tied to secrecy. The blurb: a show for 60 VIPs of the VW Group to tell and demonstrate the latest news on Mobility As A Service. Merging together vehicle, ux and service design, the show was an opportunity to connect expertises and offer a unique journey through the work of the Future Centre Europe's team.
A mixed reality presentation introduced the work, followed by a bespoke AI system which directed, via an interactive audio experience, each individual of the audience through the work of the FCE team. By guiding each member of the audience, we ensured the crowd was spread equally across all topics and rooms of the building, and allowed them to discover the project in its details.
This project was directed by Melanie Köcheler, Michele Conti and Cristina Tarquini and produced together with Sound Anything and Neeeu.