Portraits of women's true gaze
a collaboration with an AI
An artificial intelligence is trained on stereotypical depictions of women (mainstream, objectified, banal). These illustrations of popular culture depict a perfect cliched world where even the shadows are beautiful and bright coloured. A biased reality in which women become weak objects of desire, at the centre of violence, discrimination and lack of opportunities.
It is a world that, although vibrant with colours, describes a tragic social status that taints women’s freedom.
This dataset of images is used by the machine to develop its own way of looking at women. Using these societal patterns, the machine builds its own interpretation of our world. It is within this computer model, by interacting with the latent space, that the artist has looked for glitches that may reveal the true gaze of women hiding behind their stereotypical representations.
Behind the shallow surface of lines and colour, a longing for an equal society is revealed, as if the machine could help us see beyond what society itself struggles to even consider. A new reality that talks about an emphatic relationship among people and nature, where they all stand equal in a biocentric era.